Sunday, August 14, 2011

Too Much New to deal with the Old

I want to fill in the activities of the past 4 months as we got ready for our move, but first I have to mention a couple of encounters that have happened since we left Utah last Thursday.

1. Julie and I were sitting in the Salt Lake airport waiting for our flight to Atlanta and a neighbor of ours (flight stewerd for Delta) walked off the plane we are going to leave on.  We talked and he took a picture.  We seldom have a picture of Julie and I together.

2. As I finished washing my hands in the Atlanta airport bathroom I glanced up and in the mirror behind me I saw a face I recognized. It is Gonzalo Pena, the Venezuelan Stake President when we lived in Caracas 30 years ago. I was on the High Council under him. We were so involved in catching up on things that we forgot to take a picture.

3.  Last night while eating dinner in our hotel 3 men walked in.  They had the typical calm Mormon spirit about them but we were not sure.  To start a converstation with them, when we walked out we mentioned that it was nice to hear some English.  We quickly discovered that they were from Utah, Mormon, and 2 of them had friendship connections with our family.  One was Home Teaching companions with one of our sons-in-law and Bishop to a lady that Julie worked for for 13 years.  The other is married to a girl from our home Stake in California that Julie knew.  I knew the older brothers.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Kinda reminds me of the way Dad would always run into someone he knew. Rick does it too. Those Adams men know lots of people and make good relationships (Julie does too)