Friday, October 10, 2008

Verona - City Sites

Verona was our favorite city.

Life seemed more simple...

and serene.

This bridge, originally built with white marble by the Romans,

was bombed out during World War II.

The people of Verona loved the bridge so much that

they salvaged as much of the original marble as they could

and rebuilt the bridge.

This entrance lead Romero past love notes...

to Juliette's balcony

(pure fiction! not to mention the balcony built in 1934)

Inside the castle doors.

And out the back door.

These Renaissance stairs originally lead to nowhere

so a "more modern" building was built around them.

The whale rib has supposedly hung in this arch for
thousands of years, which will fall only when someone
who has never lied walks under it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Verona - beginning with the 1st Century

Whether by night

or by day,

these ancient gates

are stilll impressive

even if they are

2000 years old.

These gates are much prettier from the front...

...than from the back.

Not all roads lead to Rome

but this one leads to the Roman arena.

Built in the 1st century...

this arena is extremely well preserved.

It has been used as an opera theater since 1913,

but in the past has been used for entertainment such as

gladiator battles, medieval executions, jousts,

circus performances and dances.

Augustus, the emperor, commanded from this box

before crowds of up to 25,000 people.