Friday, November 28, 2008

Venice - September 9th

The hotel we stayed at was right on one of the canels

but the courtyard...

would never lead you to believe it.

The streets were picturesque

and the shops interesting.

But Venice is all about the water.

(and tourists)

Take a picture of me! (must be Taiwanese)

The canels truely sustain daily life in Venice.

the bus stop

mail truck

police (giving out tickets)


delivery truck

supply truck

lumber truck


and traffic jambs.

Even to cross the "street"

you needed a boy scout with a gondola.

Like the rest of Italy...

beauty was everywhere

and artists...

tried to capture it.
Some art just seemed to happen.

We were lucky just to be there.

A most unforgettable trip...
for which we are extremely grateful.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Verona - City Sites

Verona was our favorite city.

Life seemed more simple...

and serene.

This bridge, originally built with white marble by the Romans,

was bombed out during World War II.

The people of Verona loved the bridge so much that

they salvaged as much of the original marble as they could

and rebuilt the bridge.

This entrance lead Romero past love notes...

to Juliette's balcony

(pure fiction! not to mention the balcony built in 1934)

Inside the castle doors.

And out the back door.

These Renaissance stairs originally lead to nowhere

so a "more modern" building was built around them.

The whale rib has supposedly hung in this arch for
thousands of years, which will fall only when someone
who has never lied walks under it.